

The seminars are held on Fridays, usually from 11:00.

Locations :


17.01.2025S2AlGaN/GaN-Based Optoelectronic Synaptic Devices for Neuromorphic ComputingOzan Candaş
17.01.2025S2Recent Progress in Inkjet-Printed Thin-Film TransistorsAlexandros-Spyridon Asonitis
10.01.2025S2The origin and mitigation of defects induced by metal evaporation in 2DGi-Hyun Paik
10.01.2025S2The new nitridesCem Tarhan
25.10.2024ZOOMInvestigating Substrate Surface Properties for Synthesis of 2D materials on Oxide substratesXavier Garcia
25.10.2024ZOOMProcessing and characterization of N-polar GaN layersLiubou Padzialioshkina
11.10.2024S2Influence of MOCVD Parameters on the Electrical Properties of 2D-WSe2Jiancheng Xu
Mi / Wed
10 Uhr / 10 am
S1Epitaxie, Prozessierung und Charakterisierung von AIGaN-Gradientenstrukturen und GaN/AIGaN-Heterostrukturen für die Anwendung von polarisationsinduzierten LöcherdichtenCarsten Beckmann
13.09.2024S2Anwendung von polarisationsinduzierten LöcherdichtenAleksandar Ivanov
23.08.2024S2Investigation of locally back-gated MOCVD-MoS2 FETTianyuan Yu
26.07.2024S2Fabrication optimization of area-scaled MoS2-based memristorsNorwin Ridder
26.07.2024S2Herstellung und Charakterisierung von selektiv abgeschiedenen quasi-vertikalen GaN-BauelementenAlexander Brand
19.07.2024S2Neuromorphic Computing using Non-Volatile MemoryVaishnavi Chaturvedi
12.07.2024S225 Years of Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells: A Flexible and Stretchable PerspectiveEvrim Yagiz
12.07.2024S2Charge-Carrier Recombination in Halide PerovskitesSpyridon Mavrokefalidis
21.06.2024S2Gate Recess für AlGaN/GaN-FeldeffekttransistorenMoritz Ellering
14.06.2024S2Mask-set design for normally-off monolithic bidirectional GaN-based switchesChong Peng
07.06.2024S2Internship reportsAleksandar Ivanov
07.06.2024S2Towards Ultraflexible Organic Electronic Devices: Mechanical Properties and EncapsulationArash Mohammadi
S2Thermal annealing of etch-damage in quasi-vertical Schottky diodesKexin Zhou
02.02.2024S1Insulators for 2D nanoelectronics: the gap to bridgeVinh Liem Do
02.02.2024S1Applications of Boron Nitride (BN) in III-Nitride and 2D TechnologyZi Cheng Lai
02.02.2024S1Recent progress in organic field-effect transistor-based integrated circuitsJonas Tillmann
26.01.2024S1Fabrication flow optimization of 2D-MoS2-based cross-point memristorsBor-Han Chen
26.01.2024S1GaN on foreign Substrates for Application in vertical DevicesCengiz Kuruoglu
19.01.2024ZOOMPraktikum bei AIXTRON: ein Erfahrungsbericht Martin Schmitz
19.01.2024ZOOMIn situ optical reflectance analysis of a MOCVD process for transition metal dichalcogenides synthesisMartin Schmitz
19.01.2024ZOOMImpact of cool-down conditions on the electrical performance of MOCVD 2D WSe₂Jülide Avci
12.01.2024S1MOCVD and Characterization of MoS₂ and WSe₂ Monolayers and their Vertical HeterostructuresSusu Zhang
22.12.2023S1Impact of PEALD Al₂O₃ passivation on the electrical properties of MOCVD 2D-TMDC-based field-effect transistorsZeynep Şebnem İçtihadi
22.12.2023S1Investigation of metal contacts for improved performance of 2D-TMDC field-effect transistorsTianyishan Sun
17.11.2023 (changed)S1Scalable Dry Transfer of 2D-TMDC Layers for Transistor ApplicationAmir Ghiami
17.11.2023 (changed)S1MOCVD of 2D-TMDC: Nucleation, Lateral Growth, and Vertical HeterostructuresSongyao Tang
27.10.2023S1Development and investigation of low-damage n-GaN recess-etching processesDavid Schippers
27.10.2023S1Working on a new generation G10-GaN industrial MOCVD reactor Liubou Padzialioshkina
21.07.2023S2Correlating electrical performance of MoS2-based field-effect transistors passivated with PEALD Al2O3 under different conditionsZeynep Şebnem İçtihadi
10 Uhr / 10 am
ZOOMDevelopment of GaN HEMTs Fabricated on Silicon, Silicon-on-Insulator, and Engineered Substrates and Heterogeneous IntegrationYunho Choi
10 Uhr / 10 am
ZOOMRecent progress of organic light-emitting diode microdisplays for augmented reality/virtual reality applicationsMilen Nachev
07.07.2023S2Entwicklung von Gasphasendepositionsprozessen zur Herstellung von Übergangsmetalldichalkogenid-Monolagen und
-Heterostrukturen für optoelektronische Bauelemente
Annika Grundmann
30.06.2023S2Hardware and Information Security Primitives Based on 2D Materials and DevicesYuhui Li
30.06.2023S2High-performance quasi-2D perovskite light-emitting diodes from materials to devicesJonas Thün
26.05.2023S2AlGaN/GaN HFET with C-doped back-barrierYingxin Li
05.05.2023S2Process optimization for fabrication of field-effect transistors (FET) based on 2-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (2D-TMDC)Tianyishan Sun
ZOOMInternship at AIXTRON SEHaonan Tang
ZOOMMOCVD of WS2 on various substratesHaonan Tang
17.03.2023ZOOMComparison of Mesa Isolation by Dry-Etching and Ion Implantation for GaN-DevicesSybren d'Avis
10.03.2023S2Prozess-Entwicklung für dielektrische Interconnects auf GaNDenise Götschenberg
03.03.2023ZOOMCharge Trapping in GaN Power Transistors: Challenges and PerspectivesNahid Khan
03.03.2023ZOOMInvestigation of Selective GaN Etching Processes for Regrowth-Based Normally-Off DevicesRené Sandbote
03.03.2023ZOOMSelective area regrowth and doping for vertical gallium nitride power devices: Materials challenges and recent progressMarkus Beschow
17.02.2023S2Statistical investigation of dislocation induced leakage current paths in AlGaN/GaN HEMT structures on Si and the impact of growth conditionsYichao Yang
17.02.2023S2Engineered 2D materials for optical bioimaging and path toward therapyHenki Xhepa
10.02.2023S2Investigation of SiNx Passivation for AlGaN/GaN HeterostructuresLiubou Padzialioshkina
10.02.2023S2Storage Capacity of Long Persistent PhosphorsVictor Sulzbach
03.02.2023S2III-N Technologies for Quantum Computing ApplicationsUmut Kocak
03.02.2023S2Development and characterization
of GaN-based memory cells
Arno Kirchbrücher
20.01.2023S2Toxicity of lead: What are the prospects for perovskite solar cells?Andreas Ost
20.01.2023S2Size-Tunable Microlight-Emitting Diodes Using Sapphire NanomembranesElif Merve Özalp